limb limb limb
Photo: Sascha Rijkeboer
limb limb limb is a solo with many actors. A tactile soundscape which carries memories of touch is projected through four surrounding speakers. There is a shapeshifting performer, a grey figure. Are they a pile of rocks? A massage therapist? Cyborg? Dancer? There is the audience, spread out in the space, highly present in each other’s eyesight. Free to move and invited to rest. There is the architecture and materiality of the space itself, that just like the audience, is carefully investigated and treated by the performer. Between and through these elements, especially between the performer’s hands, something invisible yet highly tangible is approaching the senses. This fantasmical ever changing being is gossiping that a body, or the constructs around it, are only as solid as your fantasy allows it to be.
Length: 45 min / flexible
Choreography, performance: Tyra Wigg
Sound, live mix: Thy Truong
IG @_thytruong
Costume: Ernestyna Orlowska
Mentorship/outside eye: Kathrin Veser, Lucie Tuma
Supported by HKB Expanded Theatre and KASKO Basel
Premiered 28+29.1.2023 at KASKO Basel.
Further presentations:
Traumburg festival, Germany, July 29.7.2023
Dance First Think Later
Le Commun Genève (CH)